Wednesday 18 December 2013

Phone number and Texts

The next meet up,which is my next athletics training,i went alone since my other girlfriends went for their leadercamp briefing. I met this girl from your school and she said that she's from the same class as you. I asked her a lot of questions about you and told her to keep it a secret and not telling it out. I thought i'd trust her. But i changed my mind ten minutes later when you just arrived with the other macho-guys from your gym session.

 Now i didn't trust her because just after that day training,she came running up to me panting and asking my number. I asked her why since she's still a stranger to me but it's not her want,but yours. Man,why are you so afraid to ask me? I don't even bite and i'm not that fierce,compared to Mr Goh (disclipline master of my school) whom everyone's scared of. So my first reaction was,okay... And then,a sentence that makes me feel brave enough and giving you the impression that i'm way different from any other girls. And it was.." Let him ask my number himself if he want to," I told that girl and i could see her jaw dropped. She quickly ran to you and your cliques and told you what i'd just told her. The other cliques were wow-ing at you and you were blushing. I just walk to the bus stop and having this high pride and confidence that you'll walk up to me and asked my number. And surprisingly,you did. 

You came to me with your blushing cheeks,your white bright teeth and your unforgetable sweet dimples,you asked my number. I gave you my number and the crowds gone wild. We were smilling at each other for a moment till you said goodbye and your cliques kept pushing you saying how brave you are and telling you to text me and add me on Facebook,follow me on Instagram and stalk me whenever you can. The way you blushed and kept catching short moments of staring at me makes me feel uncomfortable because i'm not used to it. Anymore. You're weird. I love weird people because i'm weird too.

Just after a few minutes after that,i got into my bus and my phone vibrated. I thought it was my dad since i'm already quite late to reach home because of the training ended quite late. So i quickly reach out for my phone and i saw an unknown number texted me,Goodbye. I look through the bus windows and saw you waving and smiling. I blushed and waved you back. Of course i'd reply your text saying Goodbye too. The bus drove past you as you watch it goes by.

We texted all the way until i reached home and you told me that you'll text me again at 9.30pm before you go to sleep as you need to do your homeworks and your self-study. So we wished goodbye and for that whole week,that's my new hobby.

Everyday after training,we'll text about our day but mostly,i started the conversation first because i miss you so much that i can't even study for my history test. You never said that you missed me,neither do i because i think that it will be kind of awkward and too fast since we've just known each other for two months and i still want it to be slow and steady relationship. 

The next week training,i was searching for you but all i'd saw was only your cliques but without you. So i ran the 10km with your cliques since my running speed is same like theirs. They suddenly open the topic about us. I stumbled on a rock but i didn't fell when they said that you had it covered without me knowing about it..

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